Phase 1: Giant Set - Perform all sets without rest in between. Explosive Concentric Heel elevated Squats: 10 reps x 70kg Wide Squats (non-elevated) with toes out: 10 reps x 70kg Dumbbell Lunges: 50 reps per leg x 25lb dumbbells Free Lunges: 50 reps per leg
Phase 2: Emphasize at peak and stretch. 3 Second negative. Set 1: 12 reps x 93.5lbs Set 2: 10 reps x 93.5lbs (positive and negative failure) Set 3: 40 reps at 22lbs (failure)
Phase 3: Leg Curls Emphasize at peak and stretch. 3 Second negative. - Triple drop set. Set 1: 6 reps x 100lbs Set 2: 8 reps x 77lbs Set 3: 10 reps x 55lbs
Set 4: 6 reps x 88lbs Set 5: 8 reps x 66lbs Set 6: 10 reps x 44lbs
Set 7: 6 reps x 66lbs Set 8: 8 reps x 44lbs Set 9: 10 reps x 22lbs
Shoulders and Traps
Phase 1: Seated DB Press Set 1: 6 x 40lbs Set 2: 8 x 30lbs Set 3: 10 x 25lbs
Phase 2: DB Upright Rows - 3 sec negative, hold at peak. Set 1: 12 x 30lbs Set 2: 10 x 30lbs Set 3: 12 x 20lbs
Phase 3: Cable Shoulder Presses - No pause in between movements, no lockout. Set 1: 40 x 11lbs Set 2: 30 x 11lbs Set 3: 20 x 11lbs
Phase 4: Behind Back BB Shrugs Set 1: 25 x 100lbs Set 2: 50 x 55lbs Set 3: 45 x 55lbs
PM: Triceps
Phase 1: Behind Back Dips - 3 Sets of Positive Failure
Phase 2: French Press - 2 sec negatives. Set 1: 12 x 30lbs Set 2: 10 x 30lbs Set 3: 8 x 30lbs
Phase 3: BB Tricep Extensions - No lockout Set 1: 12 x 30lbs Set 2: 10 x 30lbs Set 3: 15 x 25lbs
Phase 4: One Arm DB Kickbacks Set 1: 40 x 8lbs Set 2: 30 x 8lbs Set 3: 20 x 8lbs
Phase 1: Upright BB Rows Super Set with Military Presses - Double Drop sets.
Set 1: 8 x 60lbs Set 2: 12 x 40lbs Set 3: 15 x 20lbs
Set 4: 8 x 50lbs Set 5: 12 x 25lbs Set 6: 15 x 20lbs
Phase 2: Giant Set Cable Shrugs - 50 reps x 66lbs Behind the Back BB Shrugs - 110lbs Regular Shrugs - 50 x 66lbs
Phase 3: Double Drop Sets
Side Laterals Set 1: 10 x 20lbs Set 2: 12 x 10lbs Set 3: 15 x 5lbs
Set 4: 10 x 15lbs Set 5: 12 x 8lbs Set 6: 15 x 5lbs
Set 1: 12 x 15lbs Set 2: 15x 10lbs
Set 3: 12 x 15lbs Set 4: 15x 10lbs
Arnold Presses to Failure
Set 1: 12 x 15lbs Set 2: 15x 10lbs
Set 3: 12 x 15lbs Set 4: 15x 10lbs
Phase 4: Dumbbell Alternating Shurgs Set 1: 12 x 70lbs Set 2: 10 x 70lbs Set 3: 12 x 60lbs Set 4: 10 x 60lbs Set 5: 12 x 50lbs Set 6: 10 x 50lbs Set 7: 12 x 40lbs Set 8: 10 x 40lbs Set 9: 12 x 30lbs Set 10: 10 x 30lbs Set 11: 12 x 20lbs Set 12: 10 x 20lbs
PM: Calves:
Leg Press machine toe raises (toes pointing out) - 100 reps x 70 kg (rest pause) Standing Calf Raise off a high block - 50 reps per leg x bodyweight.
Skull Crunchers : 10 (F) x 60lbs Superset with... Close Grip Bench Presses: 10 (F) x 60lbs Superset with... Behind the Back Dips: F x Bodyweight Superset with... Cable Pushdowns: 40 x 22lbs
Repeat 3x
PM: Calves:
Leg Press machine toe raises (toes pointing out) - 100 reps x 150lbs (rest pause) - 4 sets Standing Calf Raise off a high block - 50 reps per leg x bodyweight.
Set 1: Decline DB Press 8 reps x 50lbs Vertical Dips Failure x Bodyweight Incline DB Press (Stretch at bottom - 3 sec negative) 12 reps x 40lbs Machine Flys Non-Peak 40 reps x 33lbs
Set 2: Decline DB Press 8 reps x 40lbs Vertical Dips Failure x Bodyweight Incline DB Press (Stretch at bottom - 3 sec negative) 12 reps x 30lbs Machine Flys Non-Peak 40 reps x 33lbs
Set 3: Decline DB Press 8 reps x 30lbs Vertical Dips Failure x Bodyweight Incline DB Press (Stretch at bottom - 3 sec negative) 12 reps x 20lbs Machine Flys Non-Peak 40 reps x 33lbs
Standing Cable Static Flys - 5 sec hold at peak and stretch points - 66lbs x 10 reps.
* Didn't have the chance to do the PM shift, will do the PM shift the next day *
You need to do it 2x a days for one main reason, our body cannot sustain an anabolic state for over 60-90 minute span when working out. You can, technically spend 2-2.5hrs in the gym finishing both AM and PM workouts but your body will already be in a catabolic state and your workout will not induce muscle grown but cannibalism instead, so it's the opposite of what you want.
I can't technically post the whole workout any different from what the site said. What I type here is simply a breakdown of the final 2 pages of its 30day routine. I just added how much weight I'm doing.
It'll be much easier to understand if the program is printed on paper. When I was reading it online, I had a hard time putting one workout together, but when I printed it out, read it 2-3x thoroughly and understanding each phase, it was a breeze.
Phase 1: T-bar Rows Set 1: 8 reps x 132lbs Set 2: 6 reps x 132lbs Set 3: 10 reps x 88lbs
Phase 2: Close Grip Pullup - with 25kg assist Set 1: Failure 12 Set 2: Failure 10 Set 3: Failure 8
Phase 3: Bent Over Rows with Olympic Bar Supersetted with Body-building style Deadlifts Set 1: 12 reps x 66lbs / 20 reps x 88lbs Set 2: 10 reps x 66lbs / 15 reps x 88lbs Set 3: 15 reps x 44lbs / 12 reps x 88lbs
Phase 4: Straight Arm Pulldowns Supersetted with Cormier Rows Set 1: 20 reps x 66lbs / 20 reps x 33lbs Set 2: 20 reps x 33lbs / 20 reps x 33lbs Set 3: 20 reps x 33lbs / 20 reps x 33lbs
Phase X: Alternating Hammer Machine Pulldowns - 50reps x 66lbs
Bicep Edge
Phase 1: Standing Barbell Curls (Straight Bar) - 3 second negatives Supersetted with Incline DB Curls (45deg) - 3 second negatives.
Set 1: 10 reps x 30lbs / 12 reps x 20lbs Set 2: 10 reps x 30lbs / 15 reps x 10lbs Set 3: 10 reps x 30lbs / 20 reps x 5lbs
Phase 2: Seated DB Curls 100 Rep Method x 10lbs.
Phase X: Cable Static Curl - 20 sec x 33lbs
I don't think I can do the PM shift today, been slightly sick since my son was confined last week. My body clock is still out of whack.
I can still hardly move today hehe, I've stopped carrying my baby boy up and down the stairs since Tuesday, I can barely walk straight. I walk like John Wayne
Here's a pic of my legs so far... Sorry couldn't flex and straighten the leg hehe, it aches like hell.
P1: Power Squats 220lbs x 10 220lbs x 8 220lbs x 6
P2: Close stance leg press 308lbs x 12 264lbs x 12 220lbs x 12
P3: Alternating Lunges 15 x 15lbs 12 x 15lbs 10 x 15lbs
Phase X: Hacksquats Superset with Sissy Squats 15kg plate x 12 - Bodyweight x 12 10kg plate x 12 - Bodyweight x 12 Bodyweight x 12 - Bodyweight x 12
Phase Y: Leg Curls 10 x 110lbs 8 x 110lbs 6 x 110lbs
P4: 200 reps of boot strappers - 50 reps x 4 RP
Machine Calf Raises Toe In 50 reps x 132lbs x 2 sets Machine Calf Raises Toe Out 50 reps x 132lbs x 2 sets
PM: Shoulders
P1: Seated DB Press 8 reps x 45lbs 6 reps x 45lbs 10 reps x 30lbs
P2: Dumbbells Upright Rows 12 reps x 35lbs 10 reps x 35lbs 12 reps x 25lbs
P3: Cable Press: 40 reps x 16.5lbs 30 reps x 16.5lbs 20 reps x 16.5lbs
P4: Behind the Back Barbell Shrugs Superset with Cable Shrugs 25 reps x 132lbs on Smith SS 25 reps x 132lbs 50 reps x 88lbs on Smith SS 50 reps x 66lbs 75 reps x 33lbs on Smith SS 75 reps x 33lbs
Delts P2:
T-Style Laterals: Slow negative with hold 25 reps x 8lbs 25 reps x 8lbs
I-Laterals: Slow negative with hold 15 reps x 8lbs 15 reps x 8lbs
AM: Phase I: Heavy Behind Back Dips – Supersetted with Standing BB Curls 10 reps x + 20lbs SS 10 reps x 60lbs 8 reps x + 20lbs SS 8 reps x 60lbs 6 reps x + 20 lbs SS 6 reps x 60lbs
Phase II: French Presses - SS with Preacher EZBar Curls - 3 sec negative. 12 reps x 30lbs SS 12 reps x 22lbs 10 reps x 30lbs SS 10 reps x 22lbs 8 reps x 30lbs SS 8 reps x 22lbs
Phase III: Barbell Extensions - SS with Concentration Curls - 3 sec negative. 12 reps x 35lbs SS 12 reps x 20lbs 10 reps x 35lbs SS 10 reps x 20lbs 15 reps x 30lbs SS 15 reps x 15lbs
Phase IV: Dumbbell One Arm Kickbacks - SS with Cable 21 style Curls 40 reps x 10lbs SS 22lbs 30 reps x 10lbs SS 22lbs 20 reps x 10lbs SS 22lbs
DB Wrist Curls 50 reps x 10lbs Reverse DB Wrist Curls 50 reps x 8lbs
PM: Forearms
Phase X: Over the bench barbell wrist curls – 3sets X 20reps x 15lbs supersetted with One minute behind the back holding a barbell.
Preacher reverse Curls Superset with Reverse Edge of Preacher Bench Wrist curls 15 reps x 15lbs 15 reps x 10lbs 15 reps x 8lbs