i too have lagging lats, hirap nang mind muscle connection nang lats.
chin-ups aka "baras" are great but you have to go deep to feel the lats stretch. try to superset wide grip and close grip lat pulldowns, while varying grip width to suit your preference.
yes, they do give that wider look.
"you can work out hard, and you can work out long, but you can't work out hard and long."
The back provides aesthetic as well as functional benefits for those who train them properly and regularly. If you are into the aesthetics of weight training, the back is one of the body parts that a woman finds very sexy. Concentrate on doing CHIN UPS and BARBELL ROWS to bring out the beauty of your back. For a more functional approach to your training, focus on doing DEADLIFTS may it be ROMANIAN, SUMO or STIFF-LEGGED deadlifts. It strengthens your spinal erectors and trapezius muscles while indirectly strengthening your hamstrings, glutes, calves, biceps, shoulders and forearms. Practice on proper form at all times because deadlifts are a high risk exercise which can lead to serious back injuries if done improperly. I hope this helps.