I've started training November-2004 using Max-OT routine for my bulking phase
Started at 130lbs... As of January 15 I''m now 140lbs... gained 10lbs...
New Routine I've done since January:
Mondays & Thursdays: Flat Bench Press 130lbs x 6 x 4 Incline Dumbbell Press 40lbs x 6 x 4 Military Press Superset w/ Upright Row 60lbs x 6 x 4 Bent-Over Rear Lateral Raise 20lbs x 8 x 4 Standing Lateral Raise 20lbs x 8 x 4
Squats 100lbs x 10 x 4 Dumbbell Lunges 40lbs x 8 x 4 Calf Raise 40lbs x 8 x 4 (One-leg only using dumbbells)
Tuesdays & Fridays:
Bent-Over Barbell Row 120lbs x 6 x 4 Deadlift 120lbs x 8 x 4 One-Arm Dumbbell Row 40lbs x 8 x 4 Barbell Curls 50lbs x 8 x 4 Alternate Dumbbell Curls 20lbs x 8 x 4 Tricep Extension / Skullcrusher 50lbs x 8 x 4 Dumbbell Kickback 20lbs x 8 x 4
I work out at home with a barbell, bench, set of adjustable dumbbells and 200lb plates...
Can anybody critique this routine I'm using now... thanks...
When your muscles scream "MERCY", shout back "GROW, You F**ck** Piece Of S**t"