hi all, I am new to this forum and I want to ask a question but first let me inform you that I have been doing weight training for past 7-8 months and I have made some progress from being a skinny 54kg to a 60kg body mass with some little muscular look but I am not sure that I am on right track as I think I should have made much more out of past few months hard work.. I am trying to gain volume and as a thumb rule I try to work out with max possible weight.So generally what I do is that for any exercise I gauge the max weight that I can do for 8 reps and start with a little lighter one to do 10 + reps in first set and then the heavier one for 8 reps. I want ot ask is this strategy ok..
gauging your max rep per session will be quite hard. if you do pyramiding, keep in mind that the more weight you slap in your lifts, the more power is required. imo, applying pyramiding for your entire routine may be very taxing to your body. its ok to stick to 60% of your max rep for a particular session.
imo-again, its better to take the ff considerations on each session:
a. goals (is your goal today focus on your build, or power?)
b. mood (how was your day? did you get lucky last night? hehe)
c. recovery (have you had enough rest for this session. diet suff goes here.)
your strategy seems to be focused on strength & power. which may work for some time, but your body & lift may hit a plateau. (happened to me and it sucked!) so, its always good to mix it up.. try to apply periodization to your routine.
"you can work out hard, and you can work out long, but you can't work out hard and long."
Hello king, Thanx for the reply ....my main aim to gain volume and yes you are right about the plateau thing ...What I generally do is that after every two weeks I slow down my routine in the sense that for 2 -3 weeks my routine is 2 body parts per session with a day rest in mid week but after 2-3week my routine is like 1 body part per session for a week or so alternatively I take a break of 2-3 days also ..is this sufficient ot address the plateau problem.